LEA News
LEA blog
Opportunities and Challenges
Opportunities and Challenges for Online Education Related to COVID-19 Crisis Tiina Mäkelä, Kati Clements and Saana Mehtälä presented their paper
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Interest Group on
Innovation Procurement for Universities
The current crisis has caused a major shift to online distance learning, affecting classrooms and lecture halls around the world.
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Innovation Procurement for Universities
How to support teachers during the Corona crisis
Corona was as sudden to Konnevesi as it was to the rest of the world even though the set-up for
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Learning technologies in physical education
The Coronavirus pandemic challenged the schools worldwide and forced them to educate their students from a distance. Some school subjects
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JYU UNESCO-CCE Online Conference
JYU UNESCO-CCE Online Conference (21 April 2020) EMBRACE THE CREATIVITY AMIDST COVID-19 CRISIS www.ccefinland.org/21april On 21 April 2020, the UNESCO Chairs
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Konnevesi school lab
The Lapunmäki school comprises three different levels of schooling: primary, secondary and upper secondary, which means that the school has
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LEA’s paper on INTED2020 Proceedings is out
By the beginning of 2020, LEA was selected to participate in INTED2020, one of the largest international education conferences that
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UNESCO online event
LEA participates in UNESCO online event The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) has organized a webinar concerning the responses of UNESCO
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How to EduLab?
The guide deliverable on “Impact on Learning Analytics and Methodology for living labs” is now available for all of LEA
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LEA in Debrecen
LEA partner organisation INNOVA Észak-Alföld Nonprofit Ltd. organized a workshop on 21st October 2019 in Debrecen. The event
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