Meet LEA at the following events

Due to the current pandemic, all LEA events are now online. Join our free LEA-N webinar series "Procuring Resilient Education Technology" to meet experts, ask your questions and hear about new solutions.
All LEA-N webinar events (April-June 2020)
Webinar 19: 15 April 2020
Topic: Tales from teachers – how has or could technology help in this current crisis?
Experts: Rossella Bernascone, Vice Headmaster and English Teacher at the Volta school in Turin & Isabella Calvagna, City of Turin
Webinar 20: 29 April 2020
Topic: Know the market – what learntech is currently available, and how effective is it?
Expert: Jari Laru, Educational Technologist in a Faculty of Education, University of Oulu. (TBC)
Webinar 21: 13 May 2020
Topic: Innovation procurement – how can I buy more effective learntech in the future?
Expert: Sonia Dominguez / Isabela Capella Munar, Municipality of Viladecans (TBC) & Ellinor Wallin, EUPK, coordinator of former IMAILE project
Webinar 22: 27 May 2020
Topic: Innovation procurement - your questions answered
Expert: Sara Bedin, European Innovation Procurement Expert (TBC)
Webinar 23: 10 June 2020
Topic: Find future funding – how to find partners and apply for future learntech projects
Expert: Ellinor Wallin, EUPK & Philipp Schüßler, Researcher Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (TBC)
Past events
Time | Event | Location |
February 2020 | LEA webinar 18: "Edtech innovation testbed model in UK" | |
November 2019 | Slush | Finland |
November 2019 | Online Educa | Germany |
October 2019 | LEA webinar 16: "Computational Thinking in Schools" | |
October 2019 | EcoProcura | The Netherlands |
October 2019 | European Week of Regions | Belgium |
September 2019 | Dare to learn | Finland |
September 2019 | LEA webinar 16: "Open Market Consultation Methodology" | |
September 2019 | Nordic Edge | Norway |
July 2019 | Edulearn19 | Spain |
June 2019 | ET2020 Working Group, Digital Education: Learning, Teaching and Assessment PLA#2 | Slovenia |
June 2019 | LEA webinar 15: "TechClass - Teacher's story on Learning Environment Creation Based on Users' Needs" | |
June 2019 | LEA webinar 14: "Changing the assessment culture in schools through analytics" | |
May 2019 | LEA webinar 13: "AI in Education" | |
May 2019 | Eventbright - the power of procurement | |
April 2019 | LEA webinar 12: "Virtual Reality Innovation by VRLab" | |
March 2019 | Educate to Create | Bulgaria |
March 2019 | ITK paivät 2019 | Finland |
March 2019 | LEA webinar 11: "Information on how to use the Procurement Forum" | |
March 2019 | INTED 2019 | Spain |
February 2019 | Learning Technologies | UK |
February 2019 | LEA webinar 10: "LEA school lab experiences" | |
February 2019 | LEA webinar 9: "What is a Prior Information Notice?" | |
January 2019 | BETT | UK |
January 2019 | LEA Global Think Tank, BETT show London | UK |
January 2019 | LEA webinar 8: "Special edition on LEA @BETT 2019" | |
January 2019 | LEA webinar 7: "Towards Easy Virtual Reality Content Creation" | |
December 2018 | Online Educa | Germany |
December 2018 | ICT 2018 | Austria |
December 2018 | LEA webinar 6: "Understanding the legal aspects of joined vs. coordinated innovation procurement " | |
December 2018 | Slush | Finland |
November 2018 | Festival dell’Educazione | Italy |
November 2018 | LEA webinar 5: "Professional competences required to utilize innovative technologies" | |
November 2018 | LEA webinar 4: "Suppliers’ experience of PCP - Case Almerin" | |
November 2018 | ICERI 2018 | Spain |
October 2018 | Swedish Edtech | Sweden |
October 2018 | LEA webinar 3: "Understanding the needs of the Demand: Municipalities & Schools" | |
October 2018 | European Week of Regions | Belgium |
October 2018 | LEA webinar 2: "Learntech 2018: AI, VR, robotics" | |
October 2018 | EcoProcura | The Netherlands |
September 2018 | Nordic Edtech Awards | Norway |
September 2018 | LEA webinar 1: "What is innovation procurement?" | |
September 2018 | Dare to Learn | Finland |
September 2018 | EC-TEL | UK |
May 2018 | Swedish Edtech industry | Sweden |
April 2018 | ITK Days | Finland |