Support for Learn Tech Experts
Are you a Learning Technology expert? Procurement processes need experts who can understand both technology and customers. Join our experts database.
Experts act as an intermediary between suppliers and schools, assisting the dialogue between supply and demand in the learn tech procurement process. They provide a beyond-user experience perspective on innovations and take this perspective to quality assure EU policy alignment. While doing so, they add benefits for member states of the PCP investment. One of the main purposes of the LEA project is to assist consortiums to apply for funding in the learn tech procurement area. A variety of technological expertise is needed to assist this dialogue.
- Help envision the future of Learn tech 2030: participate in our open market consultation workshops and global think tanks.
- Find out about future market needs.
- Connect with a network of procurers supported by other stakeholders.
- Contacts for collaboration, data collection, joined research.
- LEA forms scientific evaluation panels for learning analytics, the use of AI in PLEs, and future technologies (VR, AR, MR, IoT, robotics etc.)
- Short-term (one- or two-day) consulting jobs are available.

Find useful resources for Learn Tech Experts
Webinar 1: 19 September 2018
Topic: What is innovation procurement?
Experts: Ellinor Wallin (EU Projekt Konsult) and Kati Clements (JYU)
Webinar 7: Wednesday, 09 January 2019
Topic: Towards Easy Virtual Reality Content Creation
Expert: Jarmo Tanskanen / Visumo corporation
Webinar 8: Live from BETT – Wednesday, 23 January 2019
Topic: Special edition on LEA @BETT 2019
Esperts: Kati Clements and Mikko Muilu are reporting from the BETT show
Webinar 13: 22 May 2019 – more information
Topic: AI in Education. How can we resize Robots and keep humans in the loop […]
Expert: Fabrizio Cardinali
Webinar 14: 05 June 2019
Topic: Changing the assessment culture in schools through analytics
Expert: Markus Packalen, Qridi
Webinar 16: 18 September 2019
Topic: Open Market Consultation Methodology
Expert: Niklas Tideklev
- Austria: E.N.T.E.R. (
- Sweden: EUPK, Ellinor Wallin (; mobile phone +46 730 791862
- Finland: JYU, Kati Clements (
- Germany OVGU, Rita Freudenberg ( and ICLEI, Ashleigh McLennan (
- Spain: Ajuntament de Viladecans, Sonia Dominguez (
- Portugal: INOVA+ (;
- Hungary: INNOVA (
- Italy: Sara Bedin (
- Belgium: SERN (