LEA user surveys

LEA user surveys
In innovative public procurement, it is important to include the future users of the systems procured from a very early stage. For LEA and the procurement of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs), teachers and students in schools are the target group. A questionnaire has been created and disseminated in six European countries, gathering answers from more than 1000 students and 320 teachers about the current situation and especially the required skills and perceived barriers for a successful adoption of PLEs in the classroom. Some of the key insights from the evaluation of the questionnaires are that teachers rank a close communication with the parents as crucial and that a lack of skills in the use of a computer is perceived by the teachers as a big barrier, while the students themselves assess their level of competence as good or very good.
The complete evaluation of the LEa surveys can be found in D3.2 and D3.4, respectively and we also provide the data for open access.