LEA-Network (LEA-N)
The EU's first "Buyers' network" of learning technology
If you are a European procurer of learning technology (school, municipality, region and/or national authority) you are welcome to join LEA-N! Membership is free of charge and without any obligations.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the LEA community!
The vision and ambition of our network is to learn and share knowledge on why using innovation procurement leads to better learning results in Europe.
Your benefits as a LEA-N member:
- Personal support
- Free webinars on future learning technology, AI and Innovation Procurement
- Offers to join upcoming EU-funded projects on innovation procurement in digital education
- Membership in a European community eager to innovate and open up the educational sector for user driven technology in schools
How to get in touch
To find out more about the LEA-Network and local activities, please contact your LEA-N national contact points:
- Austria: E.N.T.E.R. (office@enter-network.eu)
- Sweden: EUPK, Ellinor Wallin (ellinor@euprojektkonsult.se); mobile phone +46 730 791862
- Finland: JYU, Kati Clements (kati.clements@jyu.fi)
- Germany OVGU, Rita Freudenberg (rita.freudenberg@ovgu.de) and ICLEI, Ashleigh McLennan (ashleigh.mclennan@iclei.org)
- Spain: Ajuntament de Viladecans, Sonia Dominguez (international_relations@viladecans.cat)
- Portugal: INOVA+ (marta.coto@inova.business; tania.moreira@inova.business)
- Hungary: INNOVA (horvath.aniko@innoregio.eu)
- Italy: Sara Bedin (sara.bedin@appaltoprecommerciale.it)
- Belgium: SERN (andre.henriques@startupregions.eu)
Information for Swedish procurers and under Swedish national contact points
Ellinor Wallin was present on the 2 of October 2019 in Ystad and provided information about innovation procurement in EU projects. The event was hosted during the Swedish Innovation week presented by Vinnova and SKL:
The LEA network presentation was made in collaboration with the Swedish Innovation procurement model for small and medium size municipalities:
Contact Ms Ellinor Wallin at EUPK for agenda and more information:
LEA presented its network in Oslo on the 25 of September 2019:
Contact Ms Ashleigh McLennan at ICLEI for more information and agenda:

Mark your calendars!
The LEA Network ‘Procuring Resilient Education Technology’ series will bring five webinars to you this April – June, exploring the basics of how procurement can learn from this current crisis, and procure effective learntech now and in future. Wednesdays 10:30-11:30 am CET.
Request for support and assistance on innovation procurement:
Further information: coordinator@learntechaccelerator.org +358505631805