Learning technology procurers from Central Finland met in Jyväskylä on 12th of June to explore common demands for Technology & Education in the area. Konnevesi municipality representatives Paula Huuska and Mari Jämsen talked of their experiences in Innovation procurement projects IMAILE and LEA. Konnevesi has been involved in these activities since 2012 and these EU funded projects have brought international collaboration to this small municipality in the middle of the Central Finland forest. Some of the benefits include staying in the loop for digitalisation of education and of course getting resources not only for technology but for teachers training on how to use them.
This meeting was attended by five other municipalities in the area (Muurame, Jämsä, Hankasalmi, Laukaa and Kuhmoinen) with the other two interested parties being Äänekoski and Joutsa. Together these procurers cover well over 5000 students with growing needs of technology to support their education. Together they listed their challenges for the next 10 years:
- Technology is aging rabidly
- AI will come to schools but not all teachers are ready and still need more support & training
- Schools’ networks cannot support all the devices connected
- New schools are being built - how to make sustainable procurement decisions?
These procurers are unified: Purchases are better done together than apart - They valued Learning from others and welcomed LEA network as a place to collaborate.
The slogan of this group of Procurers rabidly came: ”If we teach today’s students like we thought yesterday’s - we rob them of tomorrow”.